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Elizabeth Maynard Educational Therapy

Meet Elizabeth Maynard: Providing Academic, Social, and Emotional Support to Students

Educational Support for Students of All Ages

Elizabeth Maynard, founder of Educational Therapy Services (ETS), has dedicated her career to providing comprehensive academic, social, and emotional support to students in grades K-12. With over 30 years of experience as an educator and learning specialist, she has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities students face both inside and outside the classroom.

Personalized Support Tailored to Each Student

Elizabeth believes that every student is unique, and she tailors her services to meet each student's individual needs. ETS offers a range of services, including:

  • Academic tutoring
  • Social skills development
  • Emotional regulation strategies
  • Study skills improvement

Elizabeth's goal is to empower students to reach their full potential, both academically and personally. By working closely with students and their families, she helps them overcome challenges, build confidence, and thrive in their educational journey.

Complimentary Initial Consultation

Parents and guardians are encouraged to schedule a complimentary initial informational call with Elizabeth. During this call, she will listen to your child's needs and provide more information about ETS's services. This consultation is an opportunity to connect with Elizabeth, discuss your child's challenges, and learn if ETS is the right fit for your family.

Contact Educational Therapy Services Today

If you are concerned about your child's academic, social, or emotional well-being, don't hesitate to contact Educational Therapy Services. Elizabeth Maynard and her team are here to help your child succeed and reach their full potential.
